Hum delivers breath and movement programmes that get people and businesses humming.

Drawn from contemplative practices including yoga, we have developed a breath and movement programme specifically designed for the workplace.For many people the modern work environment is a place where we are being asked to do more with less, everything is moving very fast, technology is fracturing attention spans and people often feel overwhelmed.

Be at your best

Hum teaches simple and effective tools that everyone can practice for focus, clarity, and resilience. The programme takes a mindful approach for people to reclaim balance, wellness and happiness and for businesses to be more productive with higher functioning workplaces. The programme is tailored to businesses, designed in partnership by Vanessa Bailey and Karla Brodie.

Movement Educators

Every person attending a Hum class is in the very best hands with our Movement Educators (MEs). MEs are skilled and experienced yoga teachers and they receive on-going training and coaching. The language MEs use is relevant to the workplace, simple, grounded in the everyday, uncluttered and non-competitive.

Create balance for yourself and feel at your best

With the overwhelming number of tasks done in a day, balance is the process of creating headspace for ourselves which improves our creativity and problem solving skills. Balance helps us put things into perspective and respond to stressful situations with a level head, without over reacting, and later regretting behavior.

Good concentration makes tasks easier and quicker to complete

Being more productive helps break the cycle of feeling overwhelmed. Concentration and focus integrates and connects us so we feel whole. Whereas distraction leaves us feeling fragmented, all-over-the-place, wasting our energy.

Roll with the ups-and-downs and bounce back from challenges

Being resilient is how we are able to take on-board our mistakes without self-judgment or projecting onto others. So we may learn from our mistakes to choose differently in the next minute. We can also build on our successes with self-celebration, truly absorbing our triumphs and accomplishments.

How it works

Regular practice is vital to creating good habits that maintain health.

The Hum programme is designed to make it easier with:

  • Tailor-made programmes
  • Support materials and tools
  • Cognitive and experiential teaching to help make a lasting impression
  • Designed to be used in everyday life and accessible to everyone
  • Higher attendance as we come to your workplace
  • Time is saved by practicing in work clothing

Studies have found that with regular practice over time people found marked improvements in feelings of clear-mindedness, composure, elation, energy and confidence. In addition they reported increased life purpose and satisfaction, and feelings of greater self-confidence during stressful situations.

Workplace yoga practices to release tension

Breath and movement are fundamental to life and thus form our key principals.

Breathing practices to be more effective in the workplace

Breathe easy

Practicing conscious breathing can help to re-pattern habitual responses to stress so that we become better resourced to live life with a greater quality of ease and presence. Easeful breathing supports reducing high levels of stress, increases mental clarity, our ability to focus and can improve our energy levels.

Good posture is good for you

When our spine is aligned well in sitting, standing and walking nerve channels flowing from our spinal chord out to innovate the body remain clear. In other words, the communication system of the body is working well. Postural imbalance can lead to nerve channels being inhibited, which can lead to pain and imbalance, commonly in the nerve pathways from the neck to the arms contributing to repetitive strain injuries.

Good posture and spine alignment for good health
Movement practices to support circulation

Move with purpose

Moving well supports circulation, hydration, joint mobility and balanced muscular tone. Muscular imbalance is common when we sit or stand for long periods of time. Some muscles can over work for example the upper back and neck which can then become tight and fatigued. As well some muscles can under work, becoming weak.


Breath movement and posture classes New Zealand

Breath, movement
and posture

Yoga classes in your workplace

We come to your workplace

Yoga classes sizes from 2 to 20 people

Classes from
2-20 people

One-on-one sessions

Yoga classes open to everyone

Open to everyone

Yoga in work clothing

Can be done in work clothing

Using breath and movement techniques we help people to be more productive in the workplace.

  • We build skills with tools to reclaim balance and work with ease, clarity, resilience to the pressure and stresses of the working day;
  • Breath and postural awareness;
  • Practices for releasing tension in the upper torso and neck.

Participants may experience:

  • Enhanced vitality;
  • A greater quality of ease and comfort in the body;
  • A calmer mind;
  • Increased mental focus.


1. PAUSE 20
Re-balance in 20 minutes. Simple and effective, designed to easily slot into the business day with minimal disruption. Participants will develop, refine and maintain healthy breath, posture and movement practices which can be done in comfortable business clothing.

A 50 minute class combining breath, dynamic movement and restorative practices. Including practices for releasing tension in the upper torso and neck, along with breath and postural awareness.

Conference Yoga and Workplace yoga
Workplace yoga classes Auckland New Zealand

3. ONE-ON-ONE 60
60 minutes of personalised tuition. Tailored attention, individualized practice and programme development. Life changing work.

For your next conference consider adding a Hum breath and movement session to focus and energize your people. Make the most of bringing your team together by including tools to help with productivity, creativity and problem solving. Tailored packages provided.

Who we are

Hum was founded in response to people asking for a healthier work-life balance, wellness and happiness. The complex world we live in has many of us living not as the human race was designed to. People are feeling disconnected and displaced from their lives.

At the core of what we do, is to connect people to their true self and enable them to live fuller happier lives. Through connecting people to themselves we believe we can make a true difference, not only to the individual, but the world at large.

Read more about our people

Vanessa Bailey and Karla Brodie

What people say about us


Jul 0
Jul 0

Quote for the week

“Movement is life. Life is a process. Improve the quality of the process and you improve the quality of life itself” -Moshe Feldenkrais

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self care
Jul 1
Jul 1

Living life in the red lines.

I used to say to people ‘I feel like I live my life in the red lines of a car speedo’. Always maxed out. The environment and situations I kept finding myself in, or more honestly putting myself into, were high pressure. I was not an ER doctor, I worked in marketing, in an office. […]

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